Exhibit 10.2


本保留和控制权变更离职协议(“协议”)由Matthew Willrath(“员工”)与Gulfport Energy Corporation(“公司”)签订。, effective September 13, 2022 (“Effective Date”).

WHEREAS, 公司认为在控制权变更后通过离职保护留住员工符合公司利益;

WHEREAS, 公司和员工(以下统称为“双方”)同意签署本协议,以纪念控制权变更后员工离职保护的条款和条件;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these mutual promises, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is mutually acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

1.如果在控制权变更后的12个月内,公司出于非正当理由或原因终止了员工在公司及其子公司的雇佣关系, then, subject to Employee’s timely execution, without revocation, 以本公司满意的形式放弃和免除索赔, 公司将向员工支付遣散费(“遣散费”),金额等于(i)员工的基本年薪之和, (ii)终止年度有效的员工目标年度奖金, and (iii) Employee’s monthly COBRA premium for a 12-month period. The Severance Payment will be paid in a lump sum, less any applicable taxes, withholdings, deductions, or setoffs permitted or required by law, 在雇员根据本款终止雇佣关系后60天内. 员工获得遣散费的权利取代公司或其子公司的任何其他遣散费权利. 双方的意图体育平台是,作为“短期”延期支付,遣散费将不受《m88体育官方网站提高》第409A条的适用.

2.Termination by the Employee for Good Reason. 员工可以“有充分理由”终止与公司的雇佣关系,该终止不构成员工违反本协议. “正当理由”指发生下列事件之一:


b.a material reduction in the Employee’s Base Salary; or


Notwithstanding the foregoing, 除非(A)员工向公司提供书面通知,说明该等情况,否则员工不会被视为有正当理由终止合同

在雇员知道上述条件最初存在后的九十(90)天内,不存在上述条件之一, (B)公司未能在收到该通知后三十(30)天内(如果有能力纠正)纠正上述情况。, (C)员工在公司期限届满后三十(30)天内向公司发出终止通知,以纠正指定执行人员终止生效日期的情况, (D)员工终止雇佣关系的生效日期体育平台是在员工向公司提供第(A)条所述条件存在的书面通知后的九十(90)天内。.

3.Employee represents and acknowledges that in signing this Agreement, Employee does not rely, and has not relied, 根据公司或公司员工的任何陈述或声明, officers, agents, directors, or attorneys regarding the subject matter, basis, or effect of this Agreement or otherwise, 包括因付款而对他/她造成的税务后果, benefits, or other consideration provided under the Agreement. 员工同意全权负责确定提供给他/她的任何付款或福利的税务后果, reporting the same to the appropriate governmental authorities, and the payment of any taxes due. Employee shall defend, indemnify, 并使公司或任何继承人免受因税收决定而造成的任何损失, its reporting or the non-reporting, or the payment or failure to pay any tax.

4.本协议代表双方之间的完整协议,并取代双方之间就该事项可能存在的任何先前协议. This Agreement shall not be altered, amended, modified, or changed except by a writing executed by both Parties. 本协议受俄克拉荷马州法律管辖,并按照俄克拉荷马州法律解释. 双方明确承认并同意,本协议的条款和条件应适用于任何继承人或受让人,并对其具有约束力. 公司应通过协议要求任何继承人明确承担并同意遵守, fully honor, and perform the terms of this Agreement. 双方进一步同意并承认,未经公司书面同意,员工不得转让本协议及任何相关权利, 但该公司可将本协议及其任何权利转让给任何利益继承人.

[Signature Page Follows]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have themselves signed, or caused a duly authorized agent thereof to sign, 代表其签署本协议,并承认其受本协议条款和条件约束的意愿.

雇员Timothy J. Cutt

通过 :_____________________________ 通过 :_________________________________


过时的 : __________________ 过时的 : __________________